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Modern Slavery Policy Statement

Modern Slavery Policy Statement

The Modern Slavery Act, 2015 set out to consolidate existing legislation relating to human trafficking and slavery. Section 54 of the Act requires certain UK businesses to be transparent in their policies and
actions taken to identify, prevent and mitigate modern slavery in their supply chain.

Although General Building Plastics Ltd. is not required to publish this statement by law, we are
committed to combatting exploitation and all forms of slavery in line with the Act.

Organisation Structure and Supply Chains

General Building Plastics is an independently owned building plastics merchant with over 30 years in
business. We aim to uphold the highest standards of business conduct and ethical behavior with relation to our customers and suppliers as well as our staff.

Our products are sourced directly from suppliers within the UK and manufactured within the EU, subject to stringent EU health, safety and employment legislation.

Policies in Relation to Slavery and Human Trafficking

Our staff are recruited and employed directly wherever possible, with only reputable agencies used to
source new recruits and supply temporary staff when needed. We always adhere to all relevant
employment legislation.

Within our company handbook policies covering conduct, anti-harassment and bullying, equal
opportunities and discrimination, amongst others, are available to all employees.

Due Diligence processes

General Building Plastics prides itself on our integrity in the relationships we build with our customers
and suppliers. We have clear expectations of the ethical conduct of our suppliers and trust that they in
turn pass those expected standards on further up the supply chain to those we do not have a direct
relationship with.

Risk Assessment and Management

In compliance with this policy, all new suppliers and agencies used are assessed for risk and ethical
trading practices as part of our procurement process. Ongoing reviews are undertaken as and when
necessary to manage and mitigate risk.

Key Performance Indicators to Measure Effectiveness of Steps Being Taken

General Building Plastics has a zero tolerance approach to human trafficking and slavery within its
business and supply chains. Therefore, only an absence of any instances of exploitation is an acceptable
performance measure.

We regularly monitor our training and support policies to comply with changes in legislation and
recognize any gaps in best practice, adapting and re-issuing them where necessary. Any breaches of this
policy by our staff or suppliers will prompt a review of their working relationship with our business.

Training on Modern Slavery and Trafficking

A copy of this policy is available to all of our staff who have a responsibility to comply with it to identify
and prevent all instances of modern slavery. New staff are trained in our policies as part of their
induction to the company and all staff are expected to familiarize themselves with any updates and
amendments as issued.


This policy statement is reviewed along with all company policies on an annual basis and approved by
our board of directors.

This statement has been approved by the board of directors and signed on their behalf by:

Matthew Wedderkopp

Chief Executive Officer, General Building Plastics Ltd.

Copyright © 1990-present General Building Plastics. All rights reserved.